Simply put, we’re different. We pride ourselves on academic excellence and therefore offer an extremely challenging, fully accredited and innovative academic curriculum and progressive academic credit recovery program for scholars.​
Student Life
We believe that developing well-rounded scholars will position them to have a better quality of life. Therefore, we promote participation in student life activities like Performing Arts, Athletics, and STEAM Leadership to produce a well rounded scholar.

21 Savage Visit
Grammy Award-winning, multi-platinum artist, 21 Savage visits students to teach them the importance of financial literacy.

Classes begin each weekday at 8:00 A.M., and classes meet for 60-120 minutes. During the 60-minute specials, there is a built-in constructive time period when students study, do homework, take make-up examinations, and meet with teachers.
Constructive time for academic work is also structured into the after-school program. Students work independently, in small groups, or with assigned peer tutors. In addition, if a student at any time falls below 70% in any course, she will be placed on Academic Support status. This mandates that even more study time and assistance will be made available on weekends and evenings.